Eternity in Our Spirit

Forever sums up the realm of our spirit which came from and will return to a place where past and future are all at once. The scriptures make it clear we come from God as a spirit light and enter into a womb to be formed into a breathing human body here on earth. We are first a living spirit, a light orb if you will among a myriad of other light orbs bustling for a chance to be a body on a planet with God. However the influence of dark spirits diminishes our shine in a battle for world domination which has been fought for millennia. Our light spirit knew this but was bustling to enter the fray against the dark ones to regain this planet.

When a soul on earth comes into the knowledge of God Most High we call it being born again rather than as it were reborn into our original knowledge. The scriptures say we overcome because we are chosen to be faithful. Being a chosen one means we were destined to shed darkness and glow brighter as we regain eternal knowledge. This rebirth and the shedding of the dark contenders who try to hold us in obscurity release our minds and hearts making available all truth. We were in eternity in all knowledge with God at the beginning so being reborn is to reenter what already is in us.

In computer language one might say the malware has been removed and we are once again able to operate in the system as was designed by the maker. The system always was and the invasive worm or malware corrupted and made unusable the source. Within the reborn spirit which exists in eternity is wisdom, knowledge, understanding and discretion. The opening within the reborn accesses spiritual truth from within the body and is known without being revealed so we may fight the spiritual darkness without prior intelligence.

The gifts of the Holy Spirit residing in the being of Christ Jesus within us set us in these realms of eternity. Our spirit was in the beginning holy and empowered to be Holy Spirit in the resurrection of the body of Christ. The great thing Christ did was to reveal the works of darkness, overcome the power of darkness and show us how to live victorious over this lie "like Him!." Everything in life set before us is designed to make us in Their image as was the original plan. We are sent to overcome the darkness and the darkness prevailed over most of us. Let there be light!


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