Miracles Equal Belief

"Unless you people see miracles you will not believe." These words Jesus said to a government official whose son was dying of a fever. Because he could only say what he heard the Father say then rebounded this command, "Go your way for your son lives." The man went and discovered the word was true and the fever had left his son. This miracle brought a whole household to believe and live with Jesus in health and happiness. The miracle was not so much a healing as a deliverance which also delivered all who saw it happen.

For the unbelievers whether churched or unchurched to change their belief and view of God miracles of one type or another are essential deliverance. Miracles are to God perfectly normal everyday occurrences, it's just what He does. All God needs is a repeater of His truth. This place of believing is what is called faith. Faith causes action but the enemy immediately tries to counter with doubts and unbelief. This is the place we exist in at this time on earth.

We should know from the Adam and Eve story that immediately after God says something the enemy in disguise will lie to try and make us die, to die means not believing the life giving truth. The enemy of faith tries to stop miracles so that believers will not gain victories over him. If we have entered into faith through a touch of God then it is our challenge to overcome the countermeasures of the enemy and believe what God is saying to us in His Kingdom. Society is hungry for answers to the great suffering of our world but instead of miracles the enemy inspires solutions such as assisted suicide.

Every Christians calling is to be rebirthed into the eternal realm, in that becoming a child of God, as Jesus stated. To come to Him as a child of God is to be more than a created creature but a Spirit being speaking and acting as we hear and see in the eternal Spirit. This Kingdom life is the way we were shown to take and this path is one of the miraculous testified possible and true by the first disciples. Jesus Christ is the portico of heaven in which we hear the truth about all things, in Him we live and  breath and will do miracles and in this people will see the Father.


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