Attacks Defeated by Salt

A salt shaker above my head appeared this morning in church during praise and then during worship it reappeared. I had a similar vision of a pinch of salt in India at a pastors home so asked for some and with my fingers sprinkled some salt. This was not so much about taste as I was getting understanding of the preserving quality of salt in killing bugs and keeping meat from spoiling without refrigeration. Jesus Christ said of his disciples "You are salt of the earth if it loses its flavor who can restore it." The understanding of Jesus' words was the about saving power of faith in a world being dominated by the destructive works of Satan.

The bullets of the enemy are lies, the skirmishes are confusion and the battles are imaginations because if the enemy came bring us into doubt he will bring us down out of eternity deny us the joy of eternity with Christ in heavenly realms. Christ came saying He is the Way, the Truth and the Life, modelling how to live on earth in eternity with The Father. Jesus fought with words revealing later He had heard from His Father in Heaven against Satan and his fallen fiends. Our Lord lives in us to defeat every word which is brought against His own. Scripture says we will know Our Father's voice and we will follow Him and no other.

After I came to the Lord Jesus thirty or more years ago I was fortunate to have spiritual eyes because I could see an image of an elegant woman with long black gloves who was touching my arm as suicidal thoughts came to me. Though at the time I had little knowledge of spiritual warfare the visions were loaded with faith and this view sufficient to kick out those hopeless thoughts until eventually death had no hold over my life. The enemy will keep attacking to try and upend us in our faith but our weapon is the voice of the Holy Spirit inside of us.

We must stop and analyse where the war is coming from for our Father is not the source of mental battles. Read the scriptures so that you will know the truth about Christ and Satan where they each stand. Contend for your rights coming to God as a child which we were all born to be in this earth. His kingdom is a place seated with the King of kings, the Prince of peace, the Savior of souls on earth. Put on the whole armor of God as a king which will protect you from the wiles of the evil one and prosper this year. You are the salt of the earth.


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