The Eternal Story

Recently I have made some of my writing available on Amazon Kindle, this a novel written in 2002.
The Eternal Story began in prayer, not for a book to write but to deal with frustration over Church leadership. I loved the body of people and felt the call for those lost to the saving message of Christ. It seemed my overseers did not want me to rock the boat they were sailing. It was in this time of prayerful seeking that I gained some understanding from scripture and in praying what to do about it was instructed to write a book.
This was my alpha of faith and in this belief I asked for a title and characters. These I was also given as quickly as I asked though they were somewhat odd to see written down. Still, carried along on the faith of this word, I set myself to see if there was indeed anything in it and wrote a first page or two, then three and so on. When I floundered and lost my thread I simply reminded my benefactor of my immense love for Him and faithfully the thread returned.
It was as if the story had already been written and I just had to put to paper for others to read. I have simply been a scribe to the unseen though not unfelt author. I never really knew where it was going next but just had to trust that someone was driving and it was simply for me to allow myself to be transported. This was as it were “a place our Lord had gone to prepare for us.”
I wrote The Eternal Story in two parts separated by several months of editing, thinking it was finished, only then to find there was more. Each part took almost six weeks, which in hindsight is about forty days of wanderings. The work was left for a year or more then with fresh eyes I came back and polished it some more and I am glad of that approach. I have revisited it for a decade now and quite frankly don’t know what more I can do.
I have seen leadership repress people and in that you are no doubt mixed. This book is dedicated to you who will not be imprisoned but see the light and rise up to apprehend this day. Please know that without the heavenly source of the thoughts and scenes here written these pages would simply be blanks. To you who read this may God bless…

Story Brief
Michael Longbottom is a rather short man from a disadvantaged background who in mid-life finds himself and his destiny. An adventurer of no account he stumbles upon a people who have long been isolated from the world. Here a monster is holding the people down, imprisoning them and denying them the freedom to live out their dreams. In helping to find the heir to their village leadership he finds himself and his destiny.

To read a free sample or buy a copy click here The Eternal Story

Four titles are now available on Kindle including; 3D FAITH: Incidents pleasing to God,  The Enduring Seduction of Babylon, and Pieces of the Kingdom.  


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