Sent to Brazil

Five years ago I heard a word from the Lord that I was to go to South America and that I will teach in a university. This after being told there was a move afoot to get rid of me from my pastoral position. Well they got rid of me within a couple of months so naturally I thought this trip overseas would follow but nothing opened up in the next five years. 

However a few months ago the Lord said to me "I am sending you to South America...Brazil. I had money to reroof the house but the Lord said "I will take care of that, you take care of Brazil." My wife suggested I look at the ticket with vision and at the price and there I saw $1467.00 and a few weeks later I was advised by a former parishioner from Brazil there was a sale on at Latam. Low and behold the return ticket was $1467.00 and the roof has not leaked all winter wet. I was also told some other things and felt it was about bringing something powerful back to pass on to others.

Well now I'm here in Sao Paulo, getting a handle on Portugese in Brazil. I'm getting the feeling they must have had trying to build the tower of Babel when God confused the languages. But the Lord is speaking to me about the spirit of injustice in both the political corruption and the streets of homeless. The righteous lady of justice had been blindfolded but not anymore because those who played the whore are going to have to give half of it to the poor or loose it all. The balance scales are being tiltiied by the very finger of God. O how the Lord of justice defends the poor He loves with a Father's love. After 3 days in the big city my daughter put me in contact with a friend and her family in Curitiba to the south 6hrs by bus.

In Curitiba I find myself treated to the home comfort and ministry of Filomena and Lauro Santana and family YWAM leaders. Lauro set up church meets and appointments with individuals with the idea God would do something though me. And God does and moves through power and word in me even to his dentist who it turns out really needs uplifting unbenown to us. I even found myself discussing what the Lord was speaking to me about and opening doors into greater spirituality with one of the churches formost confrence speakers I later discovered.

What I was sent over for was to make a big difference in one certain church and bring about the pregnacy of a greater move of God in their ministry. I was never before so used of God in total knowingness. I discovered a new level of faith and its just knowing without research or forwarning, demons removed, kingdoms established, heart transplants in key individuals and it was faith yeah I realise now as a gift.


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