Faith as Knowing

Once many years ago I wrote a piece about God being a mountain standing behind me which said "as if ready to explode but to me it is home." It's like many see God as some giant people killer but that's not how I know Him. I know my Heavenly Father because He just keeps pouring love on me which I feel physically as if warm oil flowing over my head and down being. And when I lay my hand on other's they feel that precious agape love and sometimes the fire of His healing touch which is passing through me.

People teach from the pulpit words which are ideas that tickle ears but without any changing power. I know it's the best they can do but it isn't the word of God as I know it. The words I hear and see are often parables, stories which when understood unlock closed minds and shatter hardened hearts. Yes the mind can help to bring change but it was never meant to be that snail-like. The finger of God brings pretty instant change because His finger is loaded with His agape type of love, a physical touch which I was previously talking about which is my experience.

The way ahead for Christanity is along that spicey ancient route. This spicey route is the way we see in the gospels where the light of God shone into ordinary people's lives through the Son of God. And it's in the Acts of the Apostles as sons of God also proven by there similar actions. But you say of yourself I'm no Apostle right, and yet you will call yourself a child of God. Listen it's as simple as this: if you are a child you are in the likeness of your brothers and also your Father. Your image is not defined by your facial features but rather by your actions, or faith works as it should be.

Christ died and rose again so you could skip the yucky stuff and inherit the eternal kingdom; that in you the kingdom might come to this earth. However our enemy who confused Adam into losing life in the Father, the enemy who is tricking you similarly, is afraid of your power in Christ and has you leaving your inheritance lying unused on the ground. He does this injustice by implanting doubt and false fear of God; a mountain ready to explode. But nothing is further from truth. You must learn to stand and defeat the lies which have controlled you and held you in a corner all these years and made you his slaves.

We must shake off these lies which have weakened the so called body of Christ which is, because of the unbelief, really a body so unlike Christ. Do we believe we are more than conquerors, really when it's just lies which have held you in a weakened state? This is an injustice perpetrated by teachings which are equally powerless and teachers you have paid for with your tithes and offerings to God. Believe the gospel and live life in abundance, a place empowered by the place Christ went to prepare an abode for you in this life. For God's sake live it! Live there in the heavenly realm listening for the spoken rhema word and the Godly visions of the way ahead; it's your inheritance and the way of Christ. Believe me when I say a thousand cake stalls cannot do anything like what God's touch can do in a minute. Because faith is knowing.


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