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The earth moved and stirred as life emerged from its womb. A nose pushed its way into the atmosphere, then a hand rose to sweep away the dust from around its nostrils and the earth flexed and heaved below it as air ballooned a chest beneath and rested a while.
Twice more the earth heaved and stirred as toes emerged and knees and a shoulder attached to the arm. For a second time a voice stronger than the earth itself, stronger even than the sun and the moon beckoned forth from the earth a living being.
“Who is like God,” a voice no one had heard before said among the trees nearby. “Who is like God, come forth and walk with me on the earth.” This was no roll of thunder or whisper of leaves, for this was a raindrop falling on a pond, this was a voice so easily mistaken.
Toes wriggled and the shoulder rolled, hips and thighs lifted, a form head low and back arched arose in the dusty mound. Arms supporting the head shook off the soil revealing darkish hair. With a heave and a roll it lay above the earth which was its mother.
A small breeze cooled the air now filling his lungs. The arm raised and wiped the dust from around the lidded eyes and sealed lips. And the voice like raindrops on a pond touched and made them open to see and to speak like God.
“Who is like God,” the voice spoke again, “Stand up and walk with Me.” And with the voice as it commanded the man eased himself up and stood erect using his toes for balance. He reached out his hands, exercised his fingers and flexed his arms and legs, and took his first step.
At this stage there was no thought and no knowledge but simply awareness that God was with him. His eyes did not recognise anything and his ears were not yet open. His perception was that of an object walking on a pond sensing ripples of raindrops upon it.
He knew only love emanating from the ripples on the pond, for these were not waves crashing or fish splashing but rather the undulations of presence. He reached his hand to his chest and knew the same resonance also there. Beneath his heaving breathing chest his heart beat in a similar rhythm.
“Who is like God,” once again the voice spoke, “Your Father I Am and I have formed you from the dust of the earth and of the earth you are apart. You have been born to walk and talk with Me. It is in My light that you live and breathe.” Michael took this in and believed all he had sensed for this was the first knowledge he had in his mind but he did not comprehend it.
There was a popping in Michael’s ears as they opened and he heard a shrill sound which turned his head towards the trees nearby. There with his eyes he saw a brightly coloured a creature and he discerned this was from where the sound came. This was the beginning of his earthly perception.
With his feet Michael felt pain and knew this was from a sharp object upon which he had stepped. He felt the pain slowly fade away and determined not to step on such an object again. With his hands he began to sense many things as he walked like grasses and with his nose caught the perfume of flowers.
“Who is like God,” again came the voice, “Your world and My world are one. We are sharing all sensations and all feelings and in this way we communicate. I feel your pain and touch whatever you touch and so we live as one in the world and in the heavens.
Michael reached for a flower and plucked from its centre a stem which dripped a clear fluid on his tongue. He did not know how to do this before but knew now this was from God who communicated with him. Bursting upon his tongue were delightful sensations and through this he knew flavours.
Other things he experimented with and some he liked and repeated while others he did not want to duplicate the taste. Above there were objects and he ate of them freely because their flesh satisfied his inner pains. There was no shortage for as soon as he plucked one a new fruit began to grow.
Michael learned by experiment the things which he could eat and the things that were not to eat and when to start and when to stop by the effect below. His body told him some things necessary and he heard the voice of God encouraging him in moderation. And so it was that he lived.
“Who is like God,” the voice spoke once again, “We are one in the heavens but you are lonely on the earth for you have none with which to share the things of God. To be fully like God you must have others to commune with about us. I am giving you a partner with whom you will share Me.”
Michael felt tiredness for the first time and relaxed himself in the shade of the trees. Presently he returned to a state of refreshment and opening his eyes saw as the trees beside him another being quite different to himself. He wondered at the stranger waking and the hurt he felt in his heart.
When she had gained consciousness he heard from her sounds he did understand to be dissimilar to the sound of the screeching in the trees from the colourful creature. He saw himself and he saw his partner. She had flesh and bones not unlike his own but her face was finer and her body slenderer.
“Who is like God,” the voice spoke, “You now have a partner and you are one as We are One unlike the relationship of man to creatures. You have been made differently for you came from the earth but she came from your flesh and bone. This is your nature to look after the earth and hers to look after you.”

So it was that man became a tiller of the earth and woman became the tiller of man and they multiplied on the earth which man cared for. Where man went the woman also went and they helped each other. But it was God who guided their paths and ordered their steps.


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