Lessons serving God and Mammon

I asked the question of God recently about how to gain more of the power of God to make more of a real difference in this world. Listening to testimonies of great men who had the experience of great power of God that changed them into who they had become made me hungry for more. I wanted this experience because I have had the feeling for years that there is more than this in the promises of Christ Jesus. My answer to this prayer however has left me pondering seeing a vision in fact of a hammer pounding a coin.
My interpretation of this vision is to pound down the effect of mammon (money, riches, wealth) from having any power over me which rightly belongs to God. I have just been through some battles in the financial area in which I was desperate on selling an item to square my accounts. When it wasn't selling and I was anxious I heard the voice of the Spirit say, "You don't need to sell the (item)." As it turned out some money loaned out was returned, someone wanted our other car and I did not get six jobs I applied for so it seemed to fit into the category of a lesson or in Jesus terms a pruning.

Jesus said "You can not serve both God and mammon." Jesus cautioned not to be anxious about this and that for God knows your needs and peace was the path we should take. So how then do we walk this path between the ogre of mammon and our service to God? I know only too well how the need to pay the bills can push us into service and difficulties in the marketplace. Father Abraham of course had a flock of sheep providing all he needed and a team of servants helping to keep the sheep fed and watered but things are somewhat different for most of us today.

In discussing this with a friend we came to the conclusion that money, though we need it in our culture, cannot be allowed to determine our mood, our plans and our decisions. Our course of action is rather to turn to the voice of our Lord God, (I say voice because the word has other meanings to us today such as scripture, Bible etc), who is the source of all wisdom, knowledge, understanding and prudence for dealing with everyday life. This is the lesson I'm learning in this season of pruning.

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