WYSIWYG Christ applied

If God were a businessman He'd be the wealthiest in the world no doubt because he sees into the future and into history in the same glance as He lives outside of time in eternity.  He'd be the wealthiest also because He is the wisest and most understanding and most compassionate and people would flock to that like moths to a light bulb. However this is not the picture we see in His Church - in His business.  The invitation to abundant life spoken about in the Bible (Is 55) seems to allude the Church that would preach that Gospel and pray that "on Earth as in Heaven" prayer as a body.

WYSIWYG is a term used in website construction meaning what you see is what you get.  Applied to church life it can be an example of a poor construct - I mean why would you make it look like that and expect people to come to it.  To be honest - I mean really - the Church does not really look like God but more like man.  If you are being honest a lot of Church life is "in Heaven as on Earth" as the prophet has said whitewashed walls and bleached bones.  True there are exceptions and I have truly enjoyed them.

The Lord taught me a lesson years ago about a mother and daughter and its true "the daughter follows the mother" and though they might truly love or hate each other but the role model is often copied by the daughter.  This is so true even of breakaway churches that they end up just like their mum.  It's hard to break the mould as it were - the die is set.  The Synagogue and the Church lose their flavour just the same.  But Jesus showed the way and it looks so different and so effective.  How then did the Apostles shape the ecclesia - the "called out" ones.

WYSIWYG applied to Christ and His disciples was very simple saying effectively "go and preach the kingdom of God at hand and reverse all the works of Satan."  How do we know the truth that the kingdom is at hand well simply by the works of healed bodies and sound minds evident all around.  God wants to inhabit the praise of His children and so goes and separates them from the one who has imprisoned and enslaves them with disease and dysfunction.  Now there's a see and get scenario I like the look of.

If Christianity were about health care and wellbeing we all be at the church instead of the medical centre waiting room.  Actually this is happening in some parts of the world.  Cancer is no more about waiting for your weekly chemo appointment but worshipping God who dispels the evil enemy.  Lameness is no more about waiting in the dole queue but worshipping God who restored your legs.  Mental health is no more about endless days of psych wards and meds but worshipping God who gives a loving heart and a sound mind. 

Idealistic you say but a reality among some practicing ecclesia around the globe.  What they see is what you get where there is trust in God and the power of the Holy Spirit.  God even does more as He lavishes gifts on those who believe in the things done by His Son Jesus Christ faithfully recorded in the Gospels.  God is into the business of being generous to His children.  Just believe even to the level as you can and you will see the miraculous and amazing things God has in store for His own. 


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