Mirror in the Bible (Lk 10)

I remember standing on a bridge one day looking down into a tranquil stream.  In the water which flowed beneath I could see both the bed of the stream and if I refocused my eyes I saw myself looking into it.  Occasionally something would touch the surface and ripple the mirror view.  The ripple is evidence of an intrusion.  Such is the way with unwelcome intrusions in the spiritual world.  Our worldview is determined by how we focus our attention and he image in a mirror can be very real.

The Bible is such a mirror in which we see similarly reflected ourselves, our society, and our world.  By this I mean that we can see aspects of ourselves and the other influences in the actions of other real people although centuries apart.  We are privileged to witness their errors happen and how to go about restoring things.  The mirror is a warning and a lesson, a revelation and correction.

The image we see in this mirror of all mirrors leads me to believe there is far more supernatural going on in our everyday lives than most "believers" want to think about.  In fact Paul would have us know that our life is engaged not just in the things we see so much but a battle with "principalities and powers" in heavenly places (Eph 6).  Until we fully conceive the truth of this battle we will never fight it.  Until we know our enemy we will always be under his power.

This battle is realised by the seventy disciples Jesus sent out to surrounding cities (Lk 10).  The seventy came back successful and jubilant seeing demons cast out by the authority given to them by the Lord.  In His name they overcame sickness and demonic oppression in the cities of the surrounding lands, both Jewish and Gentiles.  They returned exuberant in their new found power but Jesus worldview, His mirror, showed Satan fall from heaven like lightening and redirected their joy towards their names being written in heaven.

We can conclude from this that the seventy had been refocused from sufferers of illness and oppression to overcomers of their own previous maladies.  They could now see that the battle was not against worldly interpretations of physical sickness and mental illness, but the involvement of principalities and powers in heavenly places.  Believing in Jesus Christ and His authority is the beginning of the undoing of Satan's reign of lies on earth. A mirror does not lie - it is absolute truth.


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