
Showing posts from April, 2017

Lessons serving God and Mammon

I asked the question of God recently about how to gain more of the power of God to make more of a real difference in this world. Listening to testimonies of great men who had the experience of great power of God that changed them into who they had become made me hungry for more. I wanted this experience because I have had the feeling for years that there is more than this in the promises of Christ Jesus. My answer to this prayer however has left me pondering seeing a vision in fact of a hammer pounding a coin. My interpretation of this vision is to pound down the effect of mammon (money, riches, wealth) from having any power over me which rightly belongs to God. I have just been through some battles in the financial area in which I was desperate on selling an item to square my accounts. When it wasn't selling and I was anxious I heard the voice of the Spirit say, "You don't need to sell the (item)." As it turned out some money loaned out was returned, someone want...

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The earth moved and stirred as life emerged from its womb. A nose pushed its way into the atmosphere, then a hand rose to sweep away the dust from around its nostrils and the earth flexed and heaved below it as air ballooned a chest beneath and rested a while. Twice more the earth heaved and stirred as toes emerged and knees and a shoulder attached to the arm. For a second time a voice stronger than the earth itself, stronger even than the sun and the moon beckoned forth from the earth a living being. “Who is like God,” a voice no one had heard before said among the trees nearby. “Who is like God, come forth and walk with me on the earth.” This was no roll of thunder or whisper of leaves, for this was a raindrop falling on a pond, this was a voice so easily mistaken. Toes wriggled and the shoulder rolled, hips and thighs lifted, a form head low and back arched arose in the dusty mound. Arms supporting the head shook off the soil revealing darkish hair. With a heave and a roll i...

No Other Rib

The following word came to me around the turn of the millennium... until the day that Eve was made  and the two could play the game together . The song talked about peace reigning where once there was disorder confusion having lost her grip . Reading those words once again the other day I am quite suddenly gripped with the church made from the rib of Christ and no other rib. Eve in our language means a beginning time but in Genesis the title means to breathe or live. The name is built into our faith as we believe but even though it sounds the same it's not in deceive. God said in the creation account there was a new event which was evening and afterwards morning and this was a new day. But enough of this lets get down to the issue of the bride (Eve) being made from the rib of Christ and our Father put Adam to sleep for the making of Eve. Watchman Nee related Christ's crucifixion to the creation events saying that Adam’s sleep was not for Eve’s redemption; it was so that...