Let the Weak Say I am Stong

It's a new year and there are new hopes and new challenges for each of us. As for me I'm looking to return to pastoring a church once again and there are "battles in the mind" being play out as I revamp the CV and write cover letters and gather references. Our enemy would have us believe we're not good enough, we're too old to be wanted anymore or simply trying to convince us it's not worth the trouble. It's like M. Scott Peck's subtitle on his book The Road Less Traveled and Beyond which says its about Spiritual Growth in an age of Anxiety

Peck talks about getting our "masculine" and "feminine" sides together when he says, "In learning wholeness we must be open to androgyny, to encompassing both the feminine and masculine components." I would much prefer to leave the feminine relational side to my wife because she's so good at it and be free myself to the researching and dispensing of information (preaching) which she is not good at. A pastor has to be everything to everybody and being propped up on a pedestal he's bound to be toppled when they discover his weaknesses. Very few people can be good at everything even Winston Churchill was dejected as a politician in peacetime but called upon to be 'The Man" for WWII.

So here we are testing a call and we'll see at almost 62 if there is a call for people of experience in business life, in family life and in church life. The one thing I know is I want to work in the vineyard which belongs to my Heavenly Father and my King Jesus and I must say we have been fortunate though to sit in many pews these last four years and observe what the rest of the church is up too. When you consider it Adam must have been androgynous before God gave him a good ribbing. In the journey to wholeness I guess it's healthy to realise we can also be both strong and weak as humans.


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