Promises of Kingdom

It's a dreary grey and wet day where I live. Too many of these and you start thinking life is dull and if dull goes on too long, you wonder if the sun will ever shine again. Winter can depress the spirit.

Belshazzar's Feast - by Rembrandt
Over the centuries worship has become dreary grey and less hopeful's find ways to be at peace with God within the gloom of lacklustre spirituality. Faith can become a pilgrimage of suffering-in-silence, theologians finding ways to accept this season with grace rather than fighting for promises of the kingdom at hand. Jesus gave us the right to the kingdom in all its glory by his blood.

Adam and Eve abandoned God's perfection for Satan's distortion and so too those in the church who wait without expectation. But God plants a seed in us just like Jesus was planted in Mary. The seed is the potential of the manifestation of Christ in the form of Holy Spirit. However if we should be taught there was no expectation of Christ coming to the fore from us then we are like the dreary winter gloom.

Yet spring comes and the sun warms and the seed grows. The kingdom is within us if we warm to it and put roots and leaves forth into the sustenance around us. Roots need dampness and feeding and the leaves need sunlight so we read scripture, listen to the preacher who is re-presenting the same power of the gospel recorded in the New Testament. Do not listen to the one who is not.

Most assuredly there is the seed of kingdom within everyone born of the Spirit of God. This Spirit of God would bring each and every Christian into the likeness of the Saviour in more than morals and ethics. He would bring every believer into powerful ministry, teaching and reminding according to John 14 26-27. This is a promise Christ made for His followers.

Do not let anyone distort you from your heritage in Christ Jesus by reductionisms, for you are more than a set of parts; you are spirit and you are able to knit with the hierarchical of God to carry the kingdom at hand. Jesus Christ promised to come quickly so do not abandon but hold onto that perfect word. This light and warmth comes to you as the finger of God writes on walls of your prisons.


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