Living in the Kingdom

  1. Kingdom of God is in the Holy Spirit so the Holy Spirit needs to be in you. This means that you need to turn from worldly actions and become a home to Christ. When you invite Jesus Christ into your life you need to wait a while upon Him until you feel an anointing come from above.  You will know the anointing when it comes because feels like warm oil coming down in waves, it's tangible and truly loving.  You may be unable to stand and/or receive feelings somewhat like electricity passing through your body.  A sign of this actually in you can be the ability to speak in an unusual language which is a means of prayer.  If you are having trouble find a person of faith who can help by passing the anointing on to you.
  2. Doubt and confusion are your worst enemies.  We have discovered a need to repeatedly cleanse our home after years of struggles in the Spirit of Christ.  We need to keep up a vigil against intruding items or spirits which are able to drive us into unbelief, confusion and disunity.  We find these are able to be cast out and replaced by angelic heavenly beings in your home or church.  We do this by taking a glass of clear water and praying over it the sacrificed blood of Jesus Christ and while thanking God sprinkle it outside and inside around every room.  We have had demons flee even from people when we do this.
  3. You may become aware of locations in and around your home where the presence of heavenly beings is evident by feeling the anointing come upon you as you move in and out of a location.  You will know they are of God when you feel that loving touch you felt when you received the Holy Spirit.  If you feel the opposite, even a dread, you may know the location is occupied by a bad spirit which may be removed by your prayer language and guidance of the Spirit in you.  Angels are at your disposal to assist in these deeds and blest water may be utilised to deliver the being.  Presence locations can be powerfully useful as a place to assist others.
  4. There are times when it may be obvious that a bad spirit has entered and is unusually effecting you and your spouse or family such as disunity, confusion, anger, disobedience, etc. It is useful to pray in this manner at such times.  Lord Jesus Christ, take your throne above this place and rule and reign in your name. Let confusion be bound and your truth resound.  Let the Spirit of God control and your peace and love remain in this place.  Be thankful and always be confident that God is with you to help and guide you.
  5. You will find you have the power of heaven available to you to heal the sick and make lame walk, cleanse and raise the dead as Jesus commanded followers to do as we proclaim the kingdom of God is near, even at hand.  The healing power is not in you but in the hands of the heavenly angels nearby as as you reach out your hand to others the power of the angels come to add glory to your human touch.  It is wise however to seek the counsel of the Holy Spirit at all times as there are instances where we have found God does not yet desire the person healed. We pray that you become empowered by this word.


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