Gifts Invested (Matt 25:14-30)

Today I am looking out not on the poor but on the rich who are the ones meant to have inherited the gift of the Holy Spirit.  I am looking as God looks on servants who have been invested with heavenly wealth and the expectation is that more will be won by the endowment of God upon them. Some have been given much while others have received quite a bit and others something. It is like the parable of the sower where some bear fruit 100 fold, some 60 fold, and some 30 fold. (Matt 13)

The kingdom of heaven is once again the focus of this week’s reading.  Jesus will be leaving his disciples and the gift of the Holy Spirit will be left behind to further His mission on Earth. The disciples called will become the apostles sent to further the mission of God among the called out ones; the growing ecclesia. Jesus is not only preparing them but also warning his disciples that with the investment there are expectations and consequences.

The Lord is not leaving God’s investment of the death of His Son on the cross and blood spilt without some guarantee it was worth the price needing to be paid.  Jesus death must mean something; must mean everything for mankind; all the while resting on the shoulders of twelve men of humble origin.  Now we know that investment went global and now two thousand years later we carry the lamp; the torch that is the light of the Gospel.  Last week I talked about looking out on lamps; some unprepared and others well prepared for the coming Lord. 

All Christians carry lamps, all have some oil, all go to sleep waiting, but the oil prepared ones went in and the unprepared without extra oil were shut out of heaven.  Now Jesus takes the parable further saying these lamps and this flame have a purpose. Their reason for being is to produce something dear to God the Father. He’s not talking about gold by the way; rather unimportant in heaven as paving stones. That which is dear and valuable is all should not only find salvation in Jesus Christ His Son but also produce a profit in gaining more into salvation.

People hear me when I say this, “The Church is supposed to be like a factory which produces disciples of Jesus Christ.” Let me say this though that, “As we are in that sense we are not a very profitable factory!” We are not producing too may new disciples and are not baptising new believers let alone followers of Jesus Christ our Lord.  We are not training in the kingdom of heaven too many apostles to then go forth and multiply.  Jesus wants us to change that; to turn the factory around and become multipliers of Jesus’ disciples.

Hear me when I say this, “We must address this disparity if we are to save the factory that is Parish.”  This is partly mine and Shelley’s mission, definitely Jesus mission, and this is also your mission.  According to this parable not one of us is exempt, even if we have been given the littlest of God’s investment.  Not even if we have only been given just one talent in the kingdom of heaven have we reason to feel exempt.  We are all workers in the factory of the church; all called by this parable and the great commission into the mission of God.

Don’t be thinking that does not mean you; if you are regarding yourself as a child of God then the Holy Spirit has been invested for you also.  A package has been sent with your name on it and not opening it does not exempt you.  In calling you into His service Jesus Christ gave gifts to all; it is your responsibility to become prepared. Just as a worker in the factory is expected to learn the job and do it to the best of his or her ability.  Workers who do not diligently complete their job and those who are against Jesus‘s work will find themselves at the end of “the boot.”  In this parable Jesus makes the consequences of poor investment so very plain; yes the kingdom of heaven is inclusive but also becomes exclusive.

Over the next year I am going to help you to do your job in several ways.  Already I have been making it plain what the Gospel says about our role as followers of the road with Jesus.  I have been preaching scriptural truth that is the light of Jesus Christ.  I have not been giving you religious doctrine such as man has devised but rather Biblical truth backed up with personal experience. 

I am not asking you to do anything I don’t do but rather stand as an example of the way in leadership.  As Paul I have been saying, “Follow me as I also follow Jesus Christ our Lord.”  Jesus Christ is the way and it is a different way to that which you have been led in the past.  We have been duped by the enemy into disbelieving the truth about our purpose and the Christ Way.  This church, this factory, is headed for a return to profit by retraining and re-energising the workforce.

Bob Deffenbaugh writes - Pressing this matter just a little further, if the church were to be considered a business and every member were to be viewed as an employee, how many of us should reasonably expect to “keep our jobs”? Each one of us needs to ask the question, “Just what is it that I am doing that is kingdom work?” “Just what is it that I am doing for Christ and His kingdom that is “profitable”? This is a sobering question. “Do not accumulate for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal. But accumulate for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:19-21).

For years you have wished the church could make a difference and, like Christ, prayed for all to enter in to the kingdom of heaven.  For years you have been taught in pastoral care and untruths about evangelism.  Now you are going to be taught what in fact it is to do evangelism.  It may not be what you have been led to believe and consequently have misrepresented.  Evangelism is not befriending others so they might want to follow you into the church; that is ploughing. 

Evangelism is also not telling people they are sinners and should instead become “righteous” like you; that is judgment and hey you might not be seen as so great. Evangelism is however, as summarised in, “Bringing the good news of the truth about Jesus Christ.” Think of it as “Eve Angel,” angel meaning messenger and eve as the period immediately before an event happens.  The event being their yielding themselves into Jesus hands for forgiveness and restoration.

I am going to introduce to you some simple ways even the shy Christian can do with ease.  I will introduce you to some business cards which simply direct others to a website.  These can anonymously be left as bookmarkers in libraries and public toilets and mailboxes and are powerful at stimulating this internet surfing generation.  You will discover a joy you may never before experienced in the Spirit of the Lord as you take a step towards being a productive factory worker. 

You will learn to become effective at jobs also in the factory like helping newbies learn what you have learned; learn it and teach it - it’s as simple as that.  Some of you will find other talents as they become released; talents you never knew were yours.  Believe me because these things Shelley and I have learned as we went along.  You will be amazed at your new found abilities such as singing, maybe even worship leading, teaching and maybe even preaching as the Spirit leads. But I will need your willingness but I will be supportive every inch of the way. You know this because of the novices I have been supporting in this church.

It’s not rocket science; you don’t have to stay resigned to the shadows of this life but instead become one who lights up the room. Believe me if Shelley and I can do it so too can every one of you; we weren’t always like this; once we were just like you.  There is a pile of investment in each of you who are in Jesus Christ; who are called after His name as Christians; it’s just that the wrapping hasn’t yet been removed.
These gifts are already in those who are born of the Spirit of God and come to the fore as we learn to light up. The warning in this parable is clear, there is no room in heaven for the one who hides or buries their talent.  The reward is also very clear that to the one who invests what they have been given more will also be given.  Heaven is open to those who reach their GOD-potential and multiply as God has ordained us to do. 

The great commission is our mission, “Go and Make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things I have commanded you, and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Heaven is not a glorified vacation. Heaven involves work, and it is profitable work. Christians will spend all eternity employed and this gainful work will include ruling with our Lord and praising Him. Heaven’s work will be joyful labour. “Entering into the joy of our Master” is entering into profitable labour for all eternity. The level which our earthly labour has been faithful and profitable will determine the degree to which we enter into joyful labour in heaven. Do not be burying the gifts God has invested in you.


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