The Lion King (Jn 14:1-21)

Shelley and I were invited to take the service for St James Presbyterian at Tinwald, Ashburton on Sunday and although I had a written message the Spirit had other plans and we preached directly from a prepared clip of The Lion King where the wise man Rafiki meets the maturing runaway Simba. I recount the themes brought from the clip that may well have been inspired by John's Gospel Ch 14:

  1. There was a place prepared for Simba as the heir to the kingdom of his father Mufasa. Jesus said I go to prepare a place for you that where I am you shall also be. This does not necessarily mean when you pass on into heaven but in going to the cross Jesus prepared a place for his disciples, by his shed blood instead of ours, in His kingdom of the Holy Spirit who would come fifty days later if they stayed as instructed in the prepared place in Jerusalem. When the Holy Spirit came Jesus who was in the Father and the Father in Him would be with them in the Spirit of the Father and the Son and they in them.
  2. Like Simba was many Christians in church are confused about who they are. They have been faithful to their church for many years but perhaps felt powerless waiting for "heaven" after they pass away rather than kingdom at hand now. The words of Mufasa from the cloud to Simba were to "Remember who you are!" and it turned Simba from his dead state of confusion to life in connection and direction with his father in heaven. This then is the theme Jesus taught that truth sets us free. Knowing the truth of what it means to be sons and daughters of the Most Hight King is empowering. Those who are born of the Spirit of God are ambassadors (small kings, princes and princesses) of the Kingdom of this great King. Simba was powerless as he ran away from his guilt of believing he was responsible for his fathers death. Knowing the kingdom of power and authority of this place around us enlivens faith (activates life).
  3. The Spirit challenged the congregation about how this kingdom in and around us operates, how sitting next to another passenger on a plane can lead to God working in their lives as we express our love for the stranger by simply our sharing love in us, Christ, the kingdom presence and power (even if we don't feel it) which we carry around. Others can sense it and it opens the doors that were once closed. Here I gave several testimonies of this in action and at a level of preaching I have never ascended before.
  4. Finally I emplored them to "Remember who they are!" ran another video clip we made of the day fading to night over Akaroa Harbour and anchored sailing ships to the Dire Straits heartbeat of "Private Investigations" overlaid with a poetic verse of a promised journey we will all make to the judge and either heaven or hell. 
  5. We prayed with them that the Lord would help them in this journey to find the place Jesus has gone to prepared which in fact is theirs to seek in their own prayer life - a private investigation. 


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