Make Fishers of Men (Matt 4:19)

The following parable fits with the stream we are in at present and some have said it's the most profound thing I have ever written. I spoke no sermon yesterday so lets share this instead...

Someone was standing on a rock by the sea tending something unseen. There was purpose about his action with arms stretching out and drawing in, reaching out and pulling in. He seemed to be getting closer. His face and body now easily discernible as a native. He looked my way as if something caught his attention but returned to his work, as a man would do having seen nothing. I stood and watched and as I did a fish magically floated towards his hands. Another followed in the same manner. I noticed he had quite a pile flipping in the crevices behind him. The net was so fine I could not see it. Then I knew that somehow I must help him.

I had little experience with nets though I had fished with rod and line all my life. I wondered what sort of joy could be had from spreading a net and gathering it in again. His tunic I could tell was Middle Eastern and his long dark hair falling over his face spoke of a man under a vow. As I approached he turned again. Surely this time he would see me and smile. I sensed urgency about this man and a determination to finish the job. It was then I noticed the scar on his hands, not torn by the ropes but stabbed right through. I looked up in the morning light. I was ashamed when I realised it was my Jesus and he was working alone.

“Lord,” I said. “Lord let me help you with the net.” But he just seemed to ignore me and continued his work. I said, “Jesus it’s me. I have come to help in the task of bringing in the harvest.” But he just kept reaching out and pulling in.

Something made me look by my feet and I saw a place prepared. I looked again at Jesus that he was standing also on a place prepared. I wondered if this could also be a place for spreading a net. I asked him, “Jesus please, tell me if this is a place for spreading the net.” But he just glanced across casually plucking another fish from the sea.

I could not see a net only a place prepared. I was wondering why he snubbed my calls and it made me sad to think I was being ignored. What could I do without direction? I wanted to help but I could not see how. It was then that I remembered the example I had read in the Bible so many times when Jesus said, “I am the way.”

I felt like a fool, having for so long studied his life as I had without seeing how excellent an example he had left in writing. I looked again towards him and this time he smiled. I copied his actions reaching out and pulling in. There to my amazement came a fish from the water, as if magically floating through the air and I grabbed it with my free hand and with exceeding joy put it with the others behind my Lord. 

It was then that he spoke to me as if I was now somehow different. Jesus said, “How is it that you never saw the truth even though it was right before your eyes?”

I was lost for words. How could I answer? All I could say was, “I did not see the net either Lord even though it was there in your hands all along.” He turned and rested his hands on me. I felt such a fool. His love seemed to slip right past my broken pride and rest in my heart.

“Perhaps.” Jesus said, “you will remember this little embarrassment and show it to others.”


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