Power of a New Song

A few days ago I wrote a new song as I played a new sound on my guitar. It was as if there were words specially suited to the sound I was hearing. A new song is a theme of those who come close to heaven and stringed instruments are a key to worshiping with God. David writes I will sing a new song to You O God, On a harp of ten strings I will sing praises to You (Ps 144:9). David is a player of the stringed instrument which was able to pacify the troubled and murderous spirit of King Saul and the sounds of the strings. The shepherd boy King discovered he held the key to intimacy with Christ millennia before Jesus came pay for our sins and release the Holy Spirit to fill that void the door of forgiveness had opened. The first new song came one Sunday afternoon when I wanted to give the Father some special time and went like this; I thank you Father for making me unique from creation in my mothers womb through youth and teenage years Father Your signature marks every step...