Fig Leaves - this is what Satan gave us
I've been thinking about Christ in us and us in Christ Jesus seated in heavenly places as I have apparently been seen in heaven when at the time I was very aware of being firmly on the earth. But that's not a claim I make of myself only that Jesus claimed we who are born of the Spirit are seated with Him in heavenly places. So with this thought I see we are blessed in our relationship with our first and biggest brother Jesus as sons in the family of God the Father. We who have fellowship with Christ and our fellow brothers and sisters in God the Father have to see ourselves more like Adam and Eve walking in the Garden of Eden with Him in the cool of the evening, with all the privileges and with out fig leaves!

What I am saying is that we have been given all the rights of divine son-ship at the point of receiving light, forgiveness and rebirth. It's not that we can't do all the signs wonders and miracles but that we've been sucked into a lie that we can't, don't or won't be able to use them - that the world is the only way we can exist here on earth. The lie is that we need some special dispensation from the Father and that we can't walk the way of Jesus because he was divine and we're not. Truth is that we are both down here and up there because if it is not so Jesus is not truth and the apostles didn't prove it as ordinary that humans are imitating the Son of Man. Remember also it was the intent in the beginning when the Father said to the Son "Let Us make man in our image." St. Paul says "Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ." Abraham having believed the spoken voice of God was remembered as the father of faith and as children hearing the voice of God and acting upon it we are also accounted as people of faith.
We are not people of faith because we believe in God but because we believe His voice.
Let's say you were the child of a very wealthy man and you grew up with our auntie who was poor. Some time later auntie hears that her brother has died and his naughty son who lived with him had taken over the whole estate of his father and erected a tall electric fence to keep everyone else out. Auntie knows that you are entitled to half the inheritance but has heard about the electric fence and a no trespass order and fearing harm she does not tell you what you are entitled too inherit. Later your auntie dies and you are left with a cottage in the poor part of town and a mortgage you struggled all your life to repay. Wouldn't you be annoyed to find out in heaven that all the time you owned a multitude of factories and estates, stocks and bonds, cars and mansions, which you knew nothing about.
Fig leaves - this is what Satan gave us - it's time we took them off and took back our Eden!

What I am saying is that we have been given all the rights of divine son-ship at the point of receiving light, forgiveness and rebirth. It's not that we can't do all the signs wonders and miracles but that we've been sucked into a lie that we can't, don't or won't be able to use them - that the world is the only way we can exist here on earth. The lie is that we need some special dispensation from the Father and that we can't walk the way of Jesus because he was divine and we're not. Truth is that we are both down here and up there because if it is not so Jesus is not truth and the apostles didn't prove it as ordinary that humans are imitating the Son of Man. Remember also it was the intent in the beginning when the Father said to the Son "Let Us make man in our image." St. Paul says "Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ." Abraham having believed the spoken voice of God was remembered as the father of faith and as children hearing the voice of God and acting upon it we are also accounted as people of faith.
We are not people of faith because we believe in God but because we believe His voice.
Let's say you were the child of a very wealthy man and you grew up with our auntie who was poor. Some time later auntie hears that her brother has died and his naughty son who lived with him had taken over the whole estate of his father and erected a tall electric fence to keep everyone else out. Auntie knows that you are entitled to half the inheritance but has heard about the electric fence and a no trespass order and fearing harm she does not tell you what you are entitled too inherit. Later your auntie dies and you are left with a cottage in the poor part of town and a mortgage you struggled all your life to repay. Wouldn't you be annoyed to find out in heaven that all the time you owned a multitude of factories and estates, stocks and bonds, cars and mansions, which you knew nothing about.
Fig leaves - this is what Satan gave us - it's time we took them off and took back our Eden!