Fig Leaves - this is what Satan gave us

I've been thinking about Christ in us and us in Christ Jesus seated in heavenly places as I have apparently been seen in heaven when at the time I was very aware of being firmly on the earth. But that's not a claim I make of myself only that Jesus claimed we who are born of the Spirit are seated with Him in heavenly places. So with this thought I see we are blessed in our relationship with our first and biggest brother Jesus as sons in the family of God the Father. We who have fellowship with Christ and our fellow brothers and sisters in God the Father have to see ourselves more like Adam and Eve walking in the Garden of Eden with Him in the cool of the evening, with all the privileges and with out fig leaves! What I am saying is that we have been given all the rights of divine son-ship at the point of receiving light, forgiveness and rebirth. It's not that we can't do all the signs wonders and miracles but that we've been sucked into a lie that we can't, don...