Living in the Kingdom

Kingdom of God is in the Holy Spirit so the Holy Spirit needs to be in you. This means that you need to turn from worldly actions and become a home to Christ. When you invite Jesus Christ into your life you need to wait a while upon Him until you feel an anointing come from above. You will know the anointing when it comes because feels like warm oil coming down in waves, it's tangible and truly loving. You may be unable to stand and/or receive feelings somewhat like electricity passing through your body. A sign of this actually in you can be the ability to speak in an unusual language which is a means of prayer. If you are having trouble find a person of faith who can help by passing the anointing on to you. Doubt and confusion are your worst enemies. We have discovered a need to repeatedly cleanse our home after years of struggles in the Spirit of Christ. We need to keep up a vigil against intruding i...