Reality Trumps Theory

It's been a while since my last post. For two years now we have been on the bench, watching the game of Church being played out in front of us. At college tutors spoke about the old church passing but no one knew what the new one would look like. It's been a long slow congealing of all that we've known to be true but lacked the belief and courage to take the field once again amongst it all. Now the two teams have never before seemed so clearly "old wine and new wine." Pastor Yonggi Cho, the Korean leader of the largest church in the world, was saved and is saving thousands on the basis that Jesus healed him and continues to heal others on a daily basis as per the Gospel record. Pastor Cho says the same as the Apostle Paul that God is the same yesterday, today and forever. This is his experience and Jesus challenges him to grow the church bigger and bigger with the women leading a ever increasin...