Reality Trumps Theory

It's been a while since my last post.  For two years now we have been on the bench, watching the game of Church being played out in front of us.  At college tutors spoke about the old church passing but no one knew what the new one would look like.  It's been a long slow congealing of all that we've known to be true but lacked the belief and courage to take the field once again amongst it all.  Now the two teams have never before seemed so clearly "old wine and new wine."

Pastor Yonggi Cho, the Korean leader of the largest church in the world, was saved and is saving thousands on the basis that Jesus healed him and continues to heal others on a daily basis as per the Gospel record.  Pastor Cho says the same as the Apostle Paul that God is the same yesterday, today and forever.  This is his experience and Jesus challenges him to grow the church bigger and bigger with the women leading a ever increasing home cell movement.  The church has apparently grown to a massive 800,000 members and ten Sunday services.  This is a high contact sort of game.

Western churches, as a rule, seem to be taking their lead from the sermon on the mount.  The ministers of the traditional church have usually not know healing and have been through college and earned a degree by lectures and research writing (as I also have done), the outcome of which is to also present research in written lecture form.  The traditional approach has left the masses wanting and salvations minimal.  This is a low contact game. 

But there's a new fire kindled!  Perhaps a bit like the new fire we have installed in our house - out went the old 30% high polluting Visor fireplace some years ago and an interim gas fire went in.  But now in comes the low emission log burner that's efficient!  In such a way God is revealing a new thing and within our own being we are feeling it.  It's warmth is going to reach the farthest extremities and produces more from less.  The Touch of Heaven on Earth is the church we were not able yet to see at the turn of the century - the touch of God is a reality and reality trumps theory.

Heaven is coming to Earth and it's miraculous.  The God who does miracles is revealing astounding realities from heaven through daily raptures and a latter rain of beautiful gemstones, anointing oil, multiplication of food, challenging diseases healed and bodies repaired, children teaching adults the things of heaven.  Christianity is getting really exciting!

We have had a couple of years to think about it all and we have come to realise this is a new wine and that it must have a new wineskin.  Why?  Because the old church spends it's time working on the brain while faith erupts from the inner man in-love with Jesus Christ.  It is the reality check of a touch of God we now seek in realms of angels, of heaven sent wonders, of children in rapturous praise and in this we will worship the Creator of all things and learn from experience how to be Christian. 


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