Journey Fortifies Faith in Others

An article I came across puts faith and belief into perspective: "Believing in God is not having faith in God. The Apostle James says so in James 2:19 ,"You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe - and tremble." Believing in God is great, but it wont change your life. Believing in God is great, but it will not save your soul. There are millions upon millions of people around the world that call themselves Christians because they believe in God and Jesus Christ. Believing is good but it is only the beginning!" 1 It's only a beginning to believe; continuing is to take faith into action. An example may be Jonah's success may have been in the story of how he got to Ninivah in the first place. The Lord conceived a rather stunning way for Job to begin his mission; a whale of a ride. Jesus said the only sign he would give to the Jewish leaders was that of Jonah, i.e. his 3 days was spent in the grave. Another article ...