Comparing Apples with Apples (1Cor 2:13)

Paul poses the notion of comparing spiritual things with spiritual. He's talking about the spirit of the world and the Spirit who is from God and leaves us to "compare apples with apples." Paul's world view is that all things are spiritual, i.e. is it the wisdom or foolishness of man or the wisdom or foolishness of God for the foolishness of God is greater than the wisdom of man (1Cor 1:25). The normal Christian life is sorting out the good apples from the rotten ones as we navigate our daily journey. Those who know the scriptures will be reminded of the words relating to the disposition of our heart (Is 41:10, John 14:27) and the disposition of the mind (Rm 12:2, 2Tim 1:7). It is clear God is not the originator of fear and so our being anxious or afraid has to have come from elsewhere. Paul makes it clear that we have available to us the mind of Jesus Christ (1Cor 2:16). The issue is then not so much where is Go...