Damascus Proclamation (Is 17)

The Lord is repeatedly directing me over the last few months to Isaiah 17 i.e. The Proclamation against Damascus and Israel. When I hear it I usually feel "not that one again" but last night the Bible opened at that exact chapter and that really makes me sit up and pay attention. We can see a war looming in Syria and this piece says "Damascus will cease from being a city," however with some research and found that the old city is depopulating as 20,000 or more people move into new accommodation and the old buildings lay waste. It says "In that day a man will look to his Maker and his eyes will have respect for the Holy One of Israel." Now many are looking at the war but subtly the prophecy has been happening behind the scenes as the city being talked about in ancient times is changing to fit the word spoken. It says that "Because you have forgotten the God of your salvation and have not been mindful of the Rock of your stronghold..." The ...