
Showing posts from January, 2012

The Call Gate (Mark 1:14-20)

In the summer of 1987 the lodge I contracted too had a fishing client from England to guide on the Rangitaiki River for a day. His name was Tony Pawson and was to later discover he had not only been a champion of the England cricket team but also was a world champion fly-fisherman. This happened within months of giving my life to the Lord in December 1986 and now it seemed a gate was opening. Tony was here technical advisor to the World Championships and researching his book. Because of those couple of days I would feature on several pages in his book “Fly-fishing Around the World.” As if this wasn’t enough he suggested that I was just the sort of person they wanted in the World Fly-fishing Champs to be held in England in our autumn and so gave me a contact. I phoned but was informed it was already organised but for some reason as the conversation ended I offered to pay my own way if things changed. Then out of the blue a month or so later I got the call. Sponsorship had fallen thro...

Are You Following? (John 1:43-51)

 Where I came from I was well known as a fishing guide and all sorts of people from kids to minister’s wives have asked me to take them fishing. Tourists would pay $360 a day to go fishing with me but these novices were cashing in on friendship to get it all for free. Some I did take out and some I left on the things to do list. I well remember a local farmer who had worked on a local community project with me and was already a fisherman being at his wits end with stress and I could hear in his voice “I really need this!” I also remember the vicar’s wife saying, “It’s something I’ve always wanted to try,” sounding like part of hundreds of other whispery dreams. A friend is a marvellous asset in life who can help and especially one who can help you with the things you want out of life. A friend is grows from an acquaintance and turns into a mate who fills that void in your life. With friends it’s not always blissful but the good ones remain forever. There was Gary in my ...

Case for Holy Spirit (Acts 19:1-7)

In this message I have put the case for the Holy Spirit as I ask the question: Is there a valid reason why you should not be so filled with the Holy Spirit?  Do you recall in the beginning the Spirit of God hovered over the waters. And do you recall Noah after the flood sending out a dove to see if the waters had abated from the face of the ground and it returned because it found no resting place. Seven days later Noah sent again the dove and this time it returned with a freshly plucked olive branch revealing that the waters had abated from the earth. The Gospel reading from Mark 1 we see the promised Messiah Jesus showing up before John to be baptised and we see the Holy Spirit as a dove from heaven finding somewhere to rest, finding the source of that olive branch; the branch God the Father’s offering of peace. We are a Bible believing people; I ask you members of the jury, is that not right? Most Christians are trying their best to live up to the precepts the Bible sets out b...