Listen to God (Mt 21:33-46)
I had the great pleasure this week of sitting beside Murray Robertson, formerly senior pastor of Spreydon Baptist of forty years and soaking in his seven observations of the Church in New Zealand today. He brought to this group of Canterbury Presbyterian ministers also many gems of wisdom about how to get the Church back to “get go.” But one comment intrigued me concerning as he said, “seeing the beginning of the end of the long night of theological liberalism.” Then a friend posted a link to the following by Tim Tennant: In his 1937 landmark book, The Kingdom of God in America, Richard Niebuhr memorably described the message of Protestant liberalism as “A God without wrath brought men without sin into a kingdom without judgement through the ministrations of a Christ without a cross.” In the ensuing years Niebuhr’s statement has become one of the more well-known summaries of the failure of Protestant liberalism to properly reflect the apostolic message. Tragically, Ni...